About the airport

Airport ZABOK – Gubaševo is located 3 km in the direction W of the city Zabok, 2 km in the direction of NE of Veliko Trgovišće and 4 km towards NW from Oroslavje in the area of agricultural land.

Reference Point (ARP) Airport ZABOK - Gubaševo: N 46º 00 '45 98' and E 015º 51 '36 46' and is located in the middle of the airport.

Altitude Airport is 140.66 m (461 ft)

Magnetic variation is 3 ° E (2012)

Annual change of magnetic variation + ° 12:10

Maneuvering area ZABOK – Gubaševo is grass, which is maintained by mowing, rolling and handling.

Dimensions of the airport and related information

1. Airstrip:

  • The position is in the geographical coordinates: ARP N 46º 00 '45 98' and E 015º 51 '36 46'
  • Label number: 17-35
  • Length: 799 m
  • Width: 30 m
  • Slope: no
  • Type of surface: grass
  • Type of airstrip: TABLE, non-instrumental category 1A.

2. The main trail airstrip (space with airstrip and runway):

  • Length and width in meters: 859 x 60

Management of the company

Organisational structure of the Board of Krapina-Zagorje Airport Ltd. and inventory management staff:

Parliament of the Board:

  • Krapina - Zagorje County Prefect (96% votes)
  • Mayor of the city Zabok(4% votes)

Notice of Conflict of Interest prevention

According to The Public Procurement Act (paragraph 13. ,„Narodne novine“ 90/11.) KRAPNA-ZAGORJE AIRPORT d.o.o. is allowed to close public procurement contracts with all organisations.


Last changed: 28.09.2016. on 09:07 | Views: 7762