Krapina - Zagorje Airport

Gubaševo - Zabok - Croatia

Airport ZABOK – Gubaševo is located 3 km in the direction W of the city Zabok, 2 km in the direction of NE of Veliko Trgovišće and 4 km towards NW from Oroslavje in the area of agricultural land.
Altitude Airport is 140.66 m (461 ft)
Magnetic variation is 3 ° E (2012)



Aeronautical modeling Zaprešić is organising modeling meeting F5J CRO Cup on Zabok - Gubaševo airport on 22. and 23. of April 2017. (from 9,00 - 18,00 hours). You are invited to join the event.
Favorable location, developed tourism infrastrukture, annual events...
Why invest?
Interested parties are invited to express their interest in participating in the further development of Krapina-Zagorje Airport Ltd.
Call for expression of interest
Annual events - parachuting, paragliding, engine fly plane, aeronautical gliding, hot air balloon...